
Auteur:Hollevoet, Yann; Van Roeyen, Jean-Pierre.
Titel:Germanic Settlers at Sint-Gillis-Waas ? (Prov. of East-Flanders)
Volume:Archeologie in Vlaanderen II
Jaar van uitgave:1993
Korte inhoud:In april 1990, J. Bourgeois (Ghent University) noticed a few pits and post-holes of different size within the limits of a new clay extraction pit along the Reepstraat at Sint-Gillis-Waas. The distribution of some of the post-holes suggested the distinct plans of timber buildings and one of the pits contained hand-made pottery very similar tot Migration Period ceramics recovered from the northern parts of Germany and the Netherlands, and to some early Anglo-Saxon pottery of eastern Britain. Consequently the Archeologische Dienst Waasland decided to set up a rescue-excavation in advance of further clay-extraction. Financial support from the NV SIDMAR enabled the investigation of approximately 15.000 m².
Bron:Archeologie in Vlaanderen II, pp. 209-221, Zellik, 1993.
ISSN 0778-2837
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