
Auteur:Bats, Machteld; Bastiaens, Jan; Crombé, Philippe.
Titel:Prospectie en waardering van alluviale gebieden langs de Boven-Schelde. CAI-project 2003-2004
Volume:VIOE-Rapporten 02: Centrale Archeologische Inventaris(CAI) II. Thematisch inventarisatie- en evaluatieonderzoek
Jaar van uitgave:2006
Korte inhoud:Recently, the company Steenhouwerij Van de oortele scheduled extensive clay and sand extraction works in the floodplain of the river Scheldt near Ename. These large scale destructions will cover an area of 80 ha over a period of 8 years. Already at the beginning of the extraction works, a Lateglacial Scheldt gulley and a buried forest were discovered. The high potential but low visibility of this covered landscape led to a CAI-project, initiated by Ghent University (Department of Archaeology and Ancient History of Europe) and the Flemish Heritage Institute (VIOE). The main purpose of this project was to define a reliable methodology for the survey and evaluation of covered prehistoric sites in alluvial contexts. The research areas were situated at Ename and Eine (East Flanders), in the Scheldt alluvium. At a later stage, when threatened by industrial construction works, the area of Oudenaarde Donk was included. The fieldwork always was conducted in two phases. First, the covered palaeo-topography was reconstructed to define areas with high archaeological potential. These areas became systematically sampled during the second phase, resulting finally in the evaluation of the located new sites. At Ename, it soon became clear that the prehistoric landscape was intersected by several (subrecent) river channels which made the defining of archaeological interesting zones virtually impossible. The systematic sampling of such a complex area is not the appropriate method to uncover archaeological find spots. The palaeolandscape at both Eine and Oudenaarde appeared to be better preserved which made these areas suitable for further auger survey. In both cases the use of a ‘mega-Edelman’ auger proved succesful for the detection and evaluation of well preserved, covered prehistoric sites. Within the project, however, no further evaluation and verification of the research method and results of Eine were forseen. In Oudenaarde, a small excavation campaign was executed by the VIOE. This way, a limited comparative research demonstrated the importance of the chosen sample grid and the width of the sieving meshes. Also extrapolating auger results into expected excavation results proved to be dangerous and not recommendable. With this CAI- research project, only a first step to a more efficient survey and evaluation of covered archaeological sites was made. However, it is clear that further scientific and methodological research of floodplain contexts is required.
Bron:Bats M., Bastiaens J. & Crombé P.2006: Centrale Archeologische Inventaris (CAI) II. Thematisch inventarisatie- en evaluatieonderzoek, VIOE-Rapporten 02, Brussel, 75-100.
ISSN:1781 4936
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