
Auteur:Vanderhoeven, Alain; Vynckier, Geert; Cooremans, Brigitte; Ervynck, Anton; Lentacker, An; Van Neer, Wim.
Titel:Het oudheidkundig bodemonderzoek aan de de Schaetzengaarde te Tongeren (prov. Limburg). Eindverslag 2004
Volume:Relicta, Archeologie, Monumenten- en Landschapsonderzoek in Vlaanderen 3
Jaar van uitgave:2007
Korte inhoud:From January 15th until March 15th 2004 the Flemish Heritage Institute excavated a small plot of ca. 5 m x 10 m in the south-west sector of the Roman town of Tongeren, in an insula, south of the main street (decumanus maximus) within the urban street grid. Since 1998 the site had been known as the findspot of a golden seal-ring with an intaglio showing a portrait of Commodus (180-193 AD). Although an early occupation of the south-west sector of Tongeren might be expected, no features or finds from the pre-Flavian period were found. These had probably already been completely destroyed by the digging and building activities associated with the later periods. The excavated features can be subdivided in two phases.
Bron:Vanderhoeven A., Vynckier G., Cooremans B., Ervynck A., Lentacker A. &Van Neer W. 2007:"Het oudheidkundig bodemonderzoek aan de de Schaetzengaarde te Tongeren (prov. Limburg). Eindverslag 2004", in:Relicta 3, pp. 159-182, Brussel.
ISSN 1783-6425
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