
Auteur:In 't Ven, Ingrid; De Clercq, Wim.
Titel:Een lijn door het landschap. Archeologie en het VTN-project 1997-1998. Deel 2
Volume:Een lijn door het landschap Archeologie en het VTN-project 1997-1998 Deel 2
Jaar van uitgave:2005
Korte inhoud:Monitoring a project such as the VTN-pipeline gave archaeologists the opportunity to obtain a cross-section of the habitation history in different parts of Flanders. By drawing a 'line across the landscape' they were able to achieve a better insight into the chronological and environmental differentiation in the settlement patterns in our regions. It is, however, important not to jump to far-reaching conclusions, since a considerable number of external factors would have greatly nuanced the picture. This second part (of two parts) of the publication comprises the detailed reports of the most important site along the planned pipeline.
Bron:In 't Ven I. & De Clercq W. 2005: Een lijn door het landschap. Archeologie en het VTN-project 1997-1998. Deel 2, Archeologie in Vlaanderen Monografie 5, Brussel, 328 p.
ISSN 1370-5768
ISBN 90-75230-18-4
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