
Auteur:Harvey, D..
Titel:Aspects of Early Rural Settlement in West Cornwall, UK
Volume:I.A.P. Rapporten 10: Method and Theory in Historical Archaeology. Papers of the 'Medieval Europe Brugge 1997' Conference. Volume 10
Jaar van uitgave:1997
Korte inhoud:The investigation of issues concerning early rural settlement and landscape organisation in Europe is a task fraught with difficulty. The lack of contemporary documentation, together with the misinterpretation of the sources that there are has led to some misguided interpretations. This study seeks to explore familiar themes of early medieval landscape organisation through using a range of often later sources that are interpreted with regard to theories of territoriality and evolving territorialisation. A detailed local study in Cornwall may then be placed in the context of wider developments in terrns of settlement, society, economy and polity.
Bron:Harvey D. 1997:"Aspects of Early Rural Settlement in West Cornwall, UK", in: Method and Theory in Historical Archaeology, Papers of the 'Medieval Europe Brugge 1997' Conference, volume 10, I. A. P. Rapporten 10, pp. 65-80, Zellik.
ISSN:1372 0007
ISBN:90 75230 11 7
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