
Auteur:Van Gils, Marijn; De Bie, Marc; Paulissen, Etienne; Deforce, Koen.
Titel:Kartering en waardering van een finaalpaleolithisch/mesolithisch sitecomplex te Arendonk-Korhaan (prov. Antwerpen). Boorcampagne 2003
Volume:Relicta, Archeologie, Monumenten- en Landschapsonderzoek in Vlaanderen 4
Jaar van uitgave:2009
Korte inhoud:From August to October 2003, an intensive coring campaign was conducted at Arendonk-Korhaan. The site is located in the northern Campine region on a long and regular sandy ridge, bordering a wet depression. It was previously only known from surface finds in the surrounding area. The first aim of the coring campaign was to locate any concentrations of flint artefacts. The density of the concentrations, the preservation of the soil and the conservation of the natural landscape, were also to be evaluated. Much attention was therefore paid to the setting of the site in the natural landscape. This information can also be used to determine appropriate preservation measures and to broaden ideas on future heritage-management approaches.
Bron:Van Gils M., De Bie M., Paulissen E., Deforce K. 2009: "Kartering en waardering van een finaalpaleolithisch/mesolithisch sitecomplex te Arendonk-Korhaan (prov. Antwerpen). Boorcampagne 2003", in: Relicta, Archeologie, Monumenten- en Landschapsonderzoek in Vlaanderen, Volume 4, pp. 9-21, Brussel.
ISSN 1783-6425
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