Auteur: | De Groote, Koen; Tys, Dries; Pieters, Marnix. |
Titel: | Exchanging Medieval Material Culture. Studies on archaeology and history presented to Frans Verhaeghe |
Volume: | Exchanging Medieval material culture. Studies on archaeology and history presented to Frans Verhaege |
Jaar van uitgave: | 2010 |
Uitgever: | VIOE |
Korte inhoud: | This volume, the result of a collaboration between the Flemish Heritage Institute (Vlaams Instituut voor het Onroerend Erfgoed) and the Brussels Free University (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), consists of a collection of twenty-two papers on material culture offered to prof. em. Frans Verhaeghe by his friends and colleagues from Belgium, Britain, The Netherlands, France and Denmark. Grouped in three sections – material culture, landscape and settlement, theory – these contributions represent Frans Verhaeghe’s fields of interest and work, in recognition of his contributions to the study of all aspects of material culture in a broad sense. Besides writing articles about the exchange of material culture, he also ‘exchanged’ his knowledge with researchers and scholars throughout Europe. The first section of this volume covers the field of material culture ‘stricto sensu’, and mainly contains contributions about pottery studies. These range from specific find groups, a classification system or special contexts to studies on individual production sites of Antwerp maiolica and ’s-Hertogenbosch red and white ware. But non-pottery finds are also represented, both specific studies on individual finds, such as a lead urinal and a carved netting needle made from wood and surveys on particular find categories, such as cloth seals from Belgium or metal tripod ewers from Europe. Most papers in the second section, about landscape and settlement, combine the study of archaeological data with written sources. The early medieval period is represented by contributions on such subjects as the Merovingian cemetery of Broechem, the tombs of chiefs in northwestern Gaul, the role of Ename in the pagus Bracbatensis, and the formation processes of a small town in Flanders. Other papers discuss the meaning of moated sites in coastal Flanders and the issue of waste disposal in medieval towns. The third section consists of a massive paper on social theory and post-medieval archaeology. The volume begins with a comprehensive overview of the career of Frans Verhaeghe and ends with a complete bibliography. |
Bron: | De Groote K., Tys D. & Pieters M. (eds) 2010: 'Exchanging Medieval Material Culture. Studies on archaeology and history presented to F. Verhaeghe', Relicta Monografieën 4, Brussel ISBN 978 90 7523 0291 ISSN 2030-9910 ISSN 2030-9929 |
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