
Auteur:Neil Silberman; Claudia Liuzza; Willem Derde; Suzanne Copping (eds).
Titel:Memory and Identity. On the Role of Heritage in Modern Society. Proceedings of the First Annual Ename International Colloquium. Provincial Capitol, Ghent, Belgium 13-15 January 2005
Volume:Memory and Identity. On the Role of Heritage in Modern Society. Proceedings of the First Annual Ename International Colloquium. Provincial Capitol, Ghent, Belgium 13-15 January 2005
Jaar van uitgave:2007
Korte inhoud:
Bron:Silberman N., Liuzza C., Derde W. & Copping S. (eds) 2007: Memory and Identity. On the Role of Heritage in Modern Society. Proceedings of the First Annual Ename International Colloquium. Provincial Capitol, Ghent, Belgium 13-15 January 2005, Interpreting the Past 3, Brussel, 157 p.
ISSN 1780-681X
ISBN 9789075230222
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Bibliotheek: Exemplaar in catalogus