
Auteur:Vanderhoeven, Alain; Vynckier, Geert; Cooremans, Brigitte; Ervynck, Anton; Lentacker, An; van Heesch, Johan.
Titel:Het oudheidkundig bodemonderzoek aan de Driekruisenstraat te Tongeren (prov. Limburg). Eindverslag 2005
Volume:Relicta, Archeologie, Monumenten- en Landschapsonderzoek in Vlaanderen 3
Jaar van uitgave:2007
Korte inhoud:In June 2005 a limited rescue excavation was undertaken by the Flemish Heritage Institute on the Driekruisenstraat site in Tongeren. The excavated plot is situated in the north-east sector of the Roman settlement, just outside the 2nd-century town wall, in the transitional area towards the north-east cemetery. No burials were encountered however. Instead a small number of pits, ditches and postholes came to light, as well as two monumental V-shaped ditches, related to the 2nd-century town wall. The macrobotanical remains recovered from the features dating from the second half of the 1st century and/or beginning of the 2nd century and from the filling of the V-shaped ditches were very limited in range and are seen as representative of general settlement remains.
Bron:Vanderhoeven A., Vynckier G., Cooremans B., Ervynck A., Lentacker A. & van Heesch J. 2007:"Het oudheidkundig bodemonderzoek aan de Driekruisenstraat te Tongeren (prov. Limburg). Eindverslag 2005", in:Relicta 3, pp. 68-92, Brussel.
ISSN 1783-6425
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