
Auteur:Becuwe, Frank.
Titel:De Bloemmolens van Diksmuide (prov. West-Vlaanderen). Het industrieel erfgoed van een grootmaalderij
Volume:Relicta, Archeologie, Monumenten- en Landschapsonderzoek in Vlaanderen 3
Jaar van uitgave:2007
Korte inhoud:The Flour Mills of Diksmuide were originally a sugar refinery, built in 1836 by the Van Hille brothers on the border of the IJzer in Diksmuide. In the years 1830 the young Belgian government provided fiscal stimulation for the cultivation of sugar beet to the detriment of the import of sugarcane in bulk. After a period of disuse in the years 1880, the mill was bought in 1891 by the miller Eugène Devos-Quatannes bought in 1891 in order to start up a steam-powered flour and oil mill. During the First World War the steam mill, located twenty metres from the first Belgian-French line, was irrecoverably transformed by the Germans into a blockhouse. After the war the building became a War Memorial. Between 1923-1925 a new flour and oil mill was built near the confluence of the IJzer and the Handzame canal by Eugène Devos and the Sociéte Anonyme Minoteries et Huileries de Dixmude à Bruxelles. In 1932 the Flour and Oil Mills of Diksmuide were bought out by the company Florizoone & Cloet Brothers of Veurne. Onder the management of the Sociéte Anonyme de Minoteries et Huileries de Dixmude, which later became the N.V. Bloemmolens en Olieslagerijen van Diksmuide, a prosperous period began for the flour mill. The oil mill never went into production. After building a new flour mill in the industrial estate Kleine Dries in Diksmuide the outdated Flour and Oil Mills were demolished in 1995. The two factory towers with the stockroom, the screenroom and the mill still stand as industrial monuments.
Bron:Becuwe F. 2007:"De Bloemmolens van Diksmuide (prov. West-Vlaanderen). Het industrieel erfgoed van een grootmaalderij", in: Relicta 3, pp. 289-332, Brussel.
ISSN 1783-6425
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