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Auteur:Vanmontfort, Bart; De Man, Joris; Van Rompaey, Anton; Langohr, Roger; Clarys, Benoît.
Titel:De evaluatie van bodemerosie op de neolithische site van Ottenburg/Grez-Doiceau
Volume:VIOE-Rapporten 02: Centrale Archeologische Inventaris(CAI) II. Thematisch inventarisatie- en evaluatieonderzoek
Jaar van uitgave:2006
Korte inhoud:This contribution reports on the investigations at the Neolithic site of Ottenburg, located in the loess area of Flanders. The research must lead to the evaluation of the preservation of this archaeological site with regard to both historic and present-day water and tillage erosion. Additionally, it serves as a test case for the use of the newly developed highresolution digital terrain model (DTM) of Flanders. The identification of historic erosion is based on the current depths of (calcareous loess and clay illuviation) soil horizons, detected by means of hand augering
the current erosion is simulated with a spatially distributed erosion and sediment delivery model. At Ottenburg, the results of both approaches correspond quite well, allowing the identification of four zones with a different magnitude of soil erosion. Taking into account the established extension of the Neolithic site, based on the distribution of artefacts at the surface and microtopographic features identified on the DTM, a number of site management guidelines are proposed. Ultimately, this should result in the elaboration of a detailed site management plan.
Bron:Vanmontfort B., De Man J., Van Rompaey A.,Langohr R. & Clarys B. 2006: Centrale Archeologische Inventaris (CAI) II. Thematisch inventarisatie- en evaluatieonderzoek, VIOE-Rapporten 02, Brussel, 17-27.
ISSN:1781 4936
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