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Auteur:Deforce, Koen; Bastiaens, Jan.
Titel:Inventarisatie van het paleo-ecologisch bodemarchief voor archeologisch onderzoek en bescherming
Volume:VIOE-Rapporten 02: Centrale Archeologische Inventaris(CAI) II. Thematisch inventarisatie- en evaluatieonderzoek
Jaar van uitgave:2006
Korte inhoud:In recent years palaeoecological research has gained a lot of interest within the field of archaeology. It is used for the reconstruction of the past environment as well as for studying the interaction between man and his environment during (pre)historic times. Also in matters of nature conservation and development palaeoecological research enjoys more and more attention, for establishing reference images and insight in landscape and vegetation history. Moreover, nowadays people become aware of the fact that the palaeoecological natural archive is vulnerable and threatened. For these reasons the need was felt for a systematic overview of all the palynological research in Flanders, published and unpublished, from both archaeological sites and natural sequences. Up to now this database comprises 35 sites and 0 radiocarbon dates. Goals were to make the palynological data available for wider use and to preserve palynologicaly experience and knowledge. In addition some ideas for the management of places with a high palaeoecological potential have been outlined. The cases of the Mark valley and the Kale valley have further been explored for actual conservation and protection of the natural site.
Bron:Deforce K. & Bastiaens J. 2006: Centrale Archeologische Inventaris (CAI) II. Thematisch inventarisatie- en evaluatieonderzoek, VIOE-Rapporten 02, Brussel, 35-42.
ISSN:1781 4936
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