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Auteur:Vanderhoeven, Alain; Vynckier, Geert; Cooremans, Brigitte; Ervynck, Anton; Lentacker, An; Van Neer, Wim; De Groote, Koen.
Titel:Het oudheidkundig bodemonderzoek aan de Mombersstraat te Tongeren (prov. Limburg). Eindverslag 2005
Volume:Relicta, Archeologie, Monumenten- en Landschapsonderzoek in Vlaanderen 3
Jaar van uitgave:2007
Korte inhoud:A small-scale rescue excavation on the Mombersstraat site in Tongeren was undertaken by the Flemish Heritage Institute from March until May 2005. The excavated plot is situated on the northern slope of the Jeker valley, inside the 2nd-century town wall but outside the 4th-century wall, outside the wall of the 10th-12th century minster, but inside the 13th-century town wall. Since the area had been heavily disturbed by the construction of a large cellar around the middle of the 20th century, expectations for the presence of archaeological deposits were rather low.
Bron:Vanderhoeven A., Vynckier G., Cooremans B., Ervynck A., Lentacker A., Van Neer W. & De Groote K. 2007:"Het oudheidkundig bodemonderzoek aan de Mombersstraat te Tongeren (Limburg). Eindverslag 2005", in:Relicta 3, pp. 93-158, Brussel.
ISSN 1783-6425
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