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Auteur:Annaert, Rica; De Groote, Koen; Hollevoet, Yann; Theuws, Frans; Tys, Dries; Verslype, Laurent.
Titel:The very beginning of Europe? Cultural and Social Dimensions of Early-Medieval Migration and Colonisation (5th-8th century). Archaeology in Contemporary Europe Conference Brussels - May 17-19 2011
Volume:The very beginning of Europe? Cultural and social dimensions of early-medieval migration and colonisation (5th - 8th century)
Jaar van uitgave:2012
Korte inhoud:In 2007 the Flanders Heritage Agency joined the European network ‘Archaeology in Contemporary Europe’ along with thirteen other partner institutions from all over Europe. The ACE partners aim to promote contemporary archaeology at a European level by exchanging ideas and expertise and undertaking research, data collection and related activities along four major thematic axes. Within the framework of theme I - Researching the significance of the past, the Flanders Heritage Agency organised the international symposium ‘The very beginning of Europe? Cultural and Social Dimensions of Early-Medieval Migration and Colonisation (5th-8th century)’ from 17 to 19 May 2011 in Brussels. This volume of Relicta contains the proceedings of this symposium on issues surrounding early medieval migration and colonization.
Bron:Annaert R., De Groote K., Hollevoet Y., Theuws F., Tys D. & Verslype L. (eds) 2012: 'The very beginning of Europe? Cultural and Social Dimensions of Early-Medieval Migration and Colonisation (5th-8th century). Archaeology in Contemporary Europe, Conference Brussels - May 17-19 2011', Relicta Monografieën 7, Brussel.
ISBN 978 90 7523 034 5
ISSN 2030-9910
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