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Auteur:Meylemans, Erwin; Poesen, Jean; In 't Ven, Ingrid.
Titel:The Archaeology of Erosion, the Erosion of Archaeology. Proceedings of the Brussels Conference, april 28-30 2008
Volume:The archaeology of erosion the erosion of archaeology
Jaar van uitgave:2014
Korte inhoud:This ninth volume of the Relicta Monografieën is a collection of papers based on the lectures presented at the conference ‘the Archaeology of Erosion, the Erosion of Archaeology’, hosted by the Flanders Heritage Agency in Brussels on April 28th-30th 2008. The conference sought at bringing together approaches and methods for the study of taphonomic processes on the scale of landscapes and regions, and the interaction of these processes with the archaeological record. As such a selection of studies passed the scene, involving a.o. geology, pedology, remote sensing, computer-based landscape modelling, and of course archaeology. This multi-disciplinary approach proved to be a fruitful ground for debate and interesting discussions, leading to the main conclusion that the complexity of landscape and archaeology ‘intertwinement’ can indeed only be unravelled by combining this multiplicity of approaches. The papers in this volume are a reflection of this wide ranging ‘toolkit’. As case studies they present important insights and intakes for both the study as well as the management of cultural landscapes and the archaeological record.
Bron:Meylemans E., Poesen J. & In 't Ven I. (eds) 2014: 'The Archaeology of Erosion, the Erosion of Archaeology. Proceedings of the Brussels Conference, april 28-30 2008', Relicta Monografieën 9, Brussel.
ISSN 2030-9910
ISBN 978 90 7523 039 0
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