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Auteur:Dewilde, Marc (ed.); Ervynck, Anton (ed.); Wielemans, Alexis (ed.).
Titel:Ypres and the Medieval Cloth Industry in Flanders. Archaeological and Historical Contributions
Volume:Ypres and the Medieval Cloth Industry in Flanders. Archaeological and Historical Contributions
Jaar van uitgave:1998
Korte inhoud:
Bron:Dewilde M., Ervynck A. & Wielemans A. (eds) 1998: Ypres and the Medieval Cloth Industry in Flanders. Archaeological and Historical Contributions, Archeologie in Vlaanderen Monografie 2, Brussel, 206 p.
ISSN 1370-5768
ISBN 90-75230-13-3
Bestand: ( 49.83MB )
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